Moving Image
With a critical eye and courage, students work on the increasingly permeable boundaries between film, video and animation, physical space, and virtual space, as well as the possibilities of the fourth dimension. Students can work in a context-related or location-independent manner. However, the works are always based on critical thinking about the major social and cultural issues of our time.
The artistic practice is accompanied by an examination of references from art, film, and media history. The established theoretical discourse expands the skills in dealing with technology and content and allows predictions to be made about the changes in dispositive.
Showreel: https://vimeo.com/user231359953
Prof. Kathi Kæppel
E-Mail: kathi.kaeppel@folkwang-uni.de
Address: Martin-Kremmer-Str. 21, Raum 3.26, 45327 Essen
Audiovisuelle Werkstatt
Dipl. Ing. Michael Stephens
E-Mail: stefan.michels@folkwang-uni.de
Studentische Hilfskraft
Hamidreza Ghasemi
E-Mail: hamidreza.ghasemi@folkwang-uni.de
Kathi Kæppel
Professor Animated Image