Christin Heinze

Lecturer in Digital Publishing

Whether as a company, a freelancer, an artist, or in a professional or personal context—publishing today means publishing digitally, either exclusively or as a complement to print media. Understanding the fundamentals of digital publishing is therefore essential for communication designers. Even for those who later specialize in creative design, technical proficiency remains crucial: bringing a design idea to life requires an understanding of the project’s technical framework.

Which ideas can be realized? What level of effort is required? What considerations must be made for mobile adaptation? Who needs access to which data? These and many other factors shape the digital publishing process.

Websites, Mobile Apps, and eBooks  

The courses equip students with essential digital tools—whether as web designers, graphic designers, or illustrators. They gain both foundational and advanced knowledge in web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript while becoming proficient in website design tools like Figma, Framer, and Webflow. These skills enable them to design and implement professional websites and apps for themselves or clients. For creative professionals, a personal website is an indispensable platform for showcasing their work.

In the App Design course, students develop their own app—from conducting user research to designing its interface and icons.

Digital Storytelling  

At the master's level, students apply their expertise to self-initiated projects: a podcast about a startup, a scrollytelling documentary on a political movement, or an e-book about an art exhibition. Through digital publications, they bring attention to topics that matter to them while gaining hands-on experience in digital storytelling techniques.

Individual and Versatile  

Classes take place in small groups of 5 to 15 students—or even smaller groups, particularly in the master’s program. This structure allows for personalized goals and individual achievements while fostering a dynamic, collaborative learning environment. Students challenge and inspire one another, exchanging perspectives and pushing their work forward through mutual feedback and shared expertise.

Foto von Christin Heinze, Lecturer in Digital Publishing Kommunikationsdesign Folkwang

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